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Abstract :

Architectural heritage conservation in Semarang, Mid Java, faces many challenges and even threats. There are 2 kinds of architectural heritage conservation in an ex colonized town like Semarang. The first is the heritage located on a declined region, a Bronx to be. The second is the heritage located on a very strategic business area. There are two different threats to each of the the type of the heritage.


            The first one, inherent with the region’s problem, the “destiny” of the architectural heritage as a member of the declined region is really depends on the “destiny” of that region. The second one, today, facing many threats because of the conflict of interest  between  the land-value and the historical–value of the building. That conflict triggered a “War” between the building owner with Capitalistic interest , based on the profit of the real-property and the public interest of a historical building. That “War” involving many “actors” and stake-holders, e.g. the investor, the Government, etc. In that “War” many strategies were being used, among them, what the writer calls Intentionally Decaying Strategy.  


the Presentation

the paper

Keywords: Conservation, Intentionally decaying strategy, a threat to, architectural heritage

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Foto Pidato Lustrum I UnikaPidato Dies Natalis XXIX, 5 Agustus 2011Presenting Unity in Diversity ConservationCertificate of the Best paper AwardPembicara utama Seminar Arsitektur PopulisWebinar pembukan Program Doktor Arsitektur Digital


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Dr.Ir.A.Rudyanto Soesilo MSA

Lecturer - Architect - Composer 



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